Revision of Petition to Modify
Subject: Revision of Petition to Modify
From: "Scott-Kakures, Megan" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:44:21 -0700
Attached is a slightly revised version of the petition to modify Rule 22
which we discussed at our last Rule 22 meeting. Now, marked-up versions of
all three UDCs' tariffs would be attached, to replace Appendix A to
D.97-10-087. Steve Roscow, will you run this by Judge Wong in terms of
process? Would he be comfortable with simply substituting our attachments
for Appendix A, without a mark-up of D.97-10-087 itself? Quite honestly, I
think such a mark-up would be too burdensome for either the possible
Petitioners or the Judge/his staff.
I've also added a footnote to address a question raised by one ESP who was
concerned that we not imply these are all the changes the parties would like
to see made to Rule 22. I think we're all in agreement that the tariff has
many ambiguities and substantive issues which various parties would like to
address in the future, but this petition is only intended to do "clean up"
we all agree on.