Follow up on Interim Metering Requirement Proposal
Subject: Follow up on Interim Metering Requirement Proposal
From: "Sponsel, Susan" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 16:20:36 -0800
<<Interim Proposal for Metering Requirement Threshold.doc>>
With the feedback period for the attached proposal complete, I wanted to
report the changes.
1. Most questions received were related to the context of the OCC
meeting and estimates of the number of meters covered by this proposal. I
gave responses in writing or over the phone on these.
2. The only change to the proposal was to include more detail on
how to include the Energy Division on the UDC and ESP actions. I have added
a couple of sentences in the proposal, but the summary is as follows:
a. Steve Roscow will receive the emailed lists from UDCs and ESPs
b. The UDCs will send Steve a consolidated list of all the accounts
in their service territory that meet the DA metering requirements, sorted by
c. The ESPs will send a consolidated list of their actions /
responses, sorted by UDC.
Other than these clarifications, there were no requested changes in the
Sue Sponsel
415.973.6457 office
415.207.3611 pager