FW: Proposed Status Change for MSS Working Group
Subject: FW: Proposed Status Change for MSS Working Group
From: "Sponsel, Susan" <SJS3@pge.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:57:14 -0800
I will be forwarding any direct responses to the MSS status change to the
exploder. Steve has some good comments and concerns regarding the MSS
inactive status. Thanks for the feedback.
Sue Sponsel
415.973.6457 office
415.207.3611 pager
> ----------
> From: Steve Van Horssen[SMTP:SVanHor@smud.org]
> Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 9:28 AM
> To: Sponsel, Susan
> Subject: RE: Proposed Status Change for MSS Working Group
> Sue,
> I have concerns about both alternatives raised in your email. First, if
> the
> MSS working group goes on inactive status, how will it ever be placed on
> acitve staus again? Is there a process to do that? What happens to the
> remaining issues?
> Second, just selecting a new leader and turning responsibility over to
> that
> person is problematic as well. The new leader should have a transition
> period before being given complete responsibility.
> Sue, there are two groups on inactive status that were working on key
> Direct
> Access areas, SDP and Operations Manual. I am afraid that if MSS goes
> inactive, the remaing work will never be completed. It seems to me that
> Rule 22/OCC should spend some time evaluating the work completed to date
> and
> evaluating the remaining gaps in market rules/structure. The work
> completed
> in PA and AZ and by EEI and CUBR should be used to fill gaps, where
> appropriate. I hope these thoughts help with the MSS issue. If you are
> interested, please call and we can discuss my concerns in greater detail.
> Cheers,
> Steve Van Horssen