Cal-ISO Participating Load Stakeholder Meeting (Sept. 20th) and V endor Fair (Sept. 21st)
Subject: Cal-ISO Participating Load Stakeholder Meeting (Sept. 20th) and V endor Fair (Sept. 21st)
From: "Almeida, Keoni" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 14:47:28 -0700
The ISO will be hosting a Participating Load Stakeholder
meeting on September 20, 2000 at the ISO. The meeting is a broad
stakeholder meeting to help refine our load participation programs for 2001.
Much of the day will be committed to presentations and discussions on
lessons learned from 2000 and proposals for 2001, including technical
standards, contractual issues, and load management.
Some vendors have approached the ISO with systems that would
aggregate loads, give them an opportunity to curtail based on day ahead
energy prices, and provide the curtailment instructions and verifications.
This type of program may be ultimately sold to ESPs or IOUs. In order to
accelerate the testing of such systems the ISO may sponsor a pilot program
to test the system/approach with selected vendors. The pilot program will
test the concepts, the interfaces, and assist in bringing together vendors,
ESPs, SCs, and the IOUs as we move forward toward improving demand
responsiveness in our markets. We have reserved about 1 -2 hours in the
afternoon, to allow 3-4 vendors to present their approaches to the
stakeholder group.
In addition, we welcome you to visit a vendor fair that the
ISO is hosting on September 21, 2000. The ISO has experienced
considerable interest from the market place in such a vendor fair that would
include entities providing Data Processing Gateway technology for both
Generators and Loads in the Participating Ancillary Services Load Program.
This effort is being encouraged to develop multiple solutions pertaining to
installations of direct telemetry for Generators and Load providing
Ancillary Services to the ISO markets.
The agendas are attached for both events, including
directions and lodging information.
Please RSVP by September 13, 2000 to Sue Happ at
Thank you.
<<AGENDA 9_20_00_timelines3_.doc>> <<AGENDA 9_21_00_timelines3_.doc>>
<<Lodging and Directions.pdf>>
Keoni Almeida
California Independent System Operator
phone: 916/608-7053
pager: 916/814-7352
alpha page:
e-mail: <>