EDI Business Requirements Review - Meeting Notification

Several market participants have expressed an interest to discuss and
identify present EDI issues, future enhancements such as the 650, 824, 867
and 810 guides and to determine if there is a need to re-establish the EDI
Working Group.  

Therefore, a meeting has been scheduled for September 20th in San Diego at
SDG&E's Sempra headquarters located at 101 Ash Street. Primary discussions
will evolve around EDI business requirements.

Please RSVP via email with the names of attendees to Roseann Millington at
rmf8@pge.com <mailto:rmf8@pge.com>  or Tom Elder at txe6@pge.com
<mailto:txe6@pge.com>  no later than Friday, September 15th.  
Teresa Acuna, of SDGE,  has reserved a conference room and wiil be making
meal arrangements.  
Please feel free to extend an invitation to your MDMAs.  If you have any
questions regarding this meeting you can contact Tom Elder on (415)
Thanks in advance.
	Roseann Millington
	Pacific Gas & Electric Company	
	EDI Consultant
	Telephone: (415) 973-7491
