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6/1/2009 1:41 PM 29696 5.31.09 AT & T hears calls to be more consumer-friendly.doc
7/1/2009 2:27 PM 26112 All deserve access to broadband (OP-ED) 7.1.09.doc
4/10/2009 9:10 AM 85504 April 9, 2009 Fiber Optic Sabotage articles.doc
4/9/2009 2:51 PM 22528 AT&T Spending Billions ... Jobs.doc
4/8/2009 2:35 PM 26112 AT&T, unions negotiate past strike deadline 4.6.09.doc
4/9/2009 3:12 PM 27648 Broadband Gets Boost 2.3.09.doc
4/9/2009 2:23 PM 25600 Capitol Weekly 3.19.09 2.doc
4/9/2009 2:21 PM 31232 Capitol Weekly 3.19.09.doc
4/9/2009 2:25 PM 46080 Communications Daily 3.18.09.doc
4/9/2009 3:09 PM 30208 Internet Money - Wise or Waste 2.3.09.doc
4/9/2009 2:18 PM 33280 LA Daily News 3.25.09.doc
4/9/2009 2:59 PM 30208 Not Talking is Expensive Too 3.8.09.doc
5/4/2009 9:52 AM 35328 Still paying early termination fees.doc
4/20/2009 10:31 AM 29184 Stimulus dollars could speed Internet access for the underserved 4.18.09.doc
4/9/2009 3:04 PM 22016 TV Converter Box Coupons 3.5.09.doc
4/13/2009 3:21 PM 25088 Uncertain how phone networks would fare in big quake.doc
4/8/2009 2:33 PM 26624 Underserved _First_Step_for_Stimulus 4.5.09.doc