Re: Call for Agenda Items and RSVP
Subject: Re: Call for Agenda Items and RSVP
From: Chris King <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 11:50:56 -0800
In-Reply-To: < .gov>
Several ESPs have asked to include the following agenda item for next week:
1. Ability of ESPs to market MDMA and MSP services to large customers
without providing the electricity commodity.
The MDMA Users Group has requested the following:
2. Possible Petition to Modify D.97-12-048 so that either MDMAs are
certified by UDCs or, in the alternative, that MSPs are specifically
authorized to provide backup meter reading services for MDMAs using remote
systems (the UDCs are concerned about liability).
3. Clarification: can a customer with an hourly meter, who is between 20
and 50 kW, use statistical load profiles for settlement and billing? (The
UDCs believe no, but are unsure.)
4. Clarification: can MSPs and MDMAs provide metering services to large
customers in 1998 for non-hourly metering? (The UDCs disagree on their
interpretation of CPUC rules on this.)
CellNet has two agenda items:
5. Specifying Rule 22 changes that implement the CPUC's ruling in
D.97-12-048 that customers may add retrofit devices to their existing meters.
6. Clarification of Rule 22 requirements that customers returning to UDC
electricity service have meters that can be read by the UDC. Does reading
at the MDMA Server qualify?
I will attend from CellNet and will encourage the ESPs mentioned above to
contact you and RSVP.
At 01:43 PM 2/25/98 -0800, Roscow, Steve wrote:
>On Monday, 2/23, I posted the following message on the "Rule 22"
>website. To date, I have not received any responses. I really need
>some specific input regarding items that parties wish to discuss at our
>next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, March 2, at 10 am here at the PUC.
>In addition, please RSVP by responding to this e-mail, so that I can
>reserve a room.
>In the alternative, if I do not hear back from anyone regarding SPECIFIC
>topics, we can cancel this meeting and try again in April.
>The next Rule 22 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd, beginning
>at 10 a.m.
>Text of my 2/23 note follows:
> "The attached file (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS NOTE) contains
>informal "minutes" from the January 28th Rule 22 Workshop, along with
>the sign-in sheet. I am using the e-mail
> addresses from that sheet to distribute this note, and
>will post it on
> the web.
> In order to develop an agenda for this meeting, I would
>like to ask
> parties to send me their suggestions. An item could
>relate to whatever
> additional procedural organizing that we need to do, or
>it could relate
> to a specific tariff provision a party would like to
> In the case of a tariff provision, please cite to
>specific text, so that
> I can review it prior to next Tuesday."
>Steve Roscow
>California Public Utilities Commission
>Energy Division
>phone: 415-703-2818
Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.