Re: UNISWG 2nd Draft Report


My comments are two (if it's too late for these to go into the draft, I'll
put them into formal comments):

1. We propose an intelligent UNI. The UNI is fundamentally a geographic ID.
We propose a number that includes either lat/long or zip code plus several
non-intelligent digits. Knowing where the service point is physically is of
tremendous value in resolving problems.

2. We oppose any centralized functions. The UDCs, as recommended, should
assign and manage UNIs as part of the distribution function (after all,
we're putting an ID on all there distribution end points). After specifying
the standard format and method of assigning, accessing and obtaining UNIs,
where some CPUC rules - hopefully minimal - are needed, no central
coordination is needed.

I appreciate the chance to comment.


At 07:50 PM 2/26/98 -0800, LORENZO KRISTOV wrote:
>Suggested revisions must be received by close of business Tuesday March
>3.  Send to Lorenzo Kristov at
>Attachment Converted: "C:\EUDORA\Attach\UNIS_D5.DOC"

Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.