RE: UNISWG 2nd Draft Report
Subject: RE: UNISWG 2nd Draft Report
From: Thomas Chen <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 16:42:05 -0800
Return-Receipt-To: <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
I like to take this opportunity to repeat what we discussed briefly on
Tuesday, February 24. Basically, there are three new ID's proposals on
the table: one for the new expend Internet address (IP Version 6 or
IPv6), one for home plug & play (CIC Home PnP version 1.0), and one for
California UNIS. All these three ID's can be applied to the same
device, a meter. Therefore, it would be nice to have some common design
principle link all three ID proposals.
Martin Burns proposed UNIS uses a 128-bit ID (see his 2/22 web posting
under UNISWG) which I think is very interesting. The Internet IPv6 also
has 128-bit ID address - with 64-bit for local intranet assignment. I
would like to propose that we have some intelligent UNI that is 64-bit
long which can be dropped into Internet 128-bit IP address (dot format)
very nicely, either via MDMA, or ESP/MSP or whatever. In this case,
MDMA or ESP/MSP will function as ISP (Internet Service Provider) by
adding the upper 64-bit Internet address to complete the 128-bit. This
will provide a unique location ID (and the same Internet IP address) for
all meters as well as all other local devices. Currently, NIC is the
registration authority for Internet IP Version 4 address (domain name
Manufacturer ID, product model ID models, serial number etc. can be
handled within the 64-bit Intranet address portion. I believe this
Internet UNIS approach will facilite greater communication
interoperability worldwide. Any of your feedback comments are welcome.
Thomas J. Chen eT Communications Inc.
VP - Technology 1754 Technology Drive, Suite 230
Tel: (408)-573-4200 San Jose, CA 95110
Fax: (408)-573-4212 e-mail address:
>From: Chris King[]
>Sent: Friday, February 27, 1998 2:41 PM
>Cc:; Barber, Dan; Bitar, Sy; Board, Afarah ;
>Buckley, Bill; Camp, Ward; Cano, Duncan; Chang, Cathy; Ciardella, Gary;
>Coles, Ross; Colwell, Larry A;; Evans, Mike; Eustis,
>Conrad;; Grooms, Scott; Hardie, Kris; Heirigs, Mark; Hosford,
>Dave; Dave Jackson;; King, Chris; Kristov,
>Lorenzo; Larsen, Wade; Lemon, Bill; Lizak, Gregory; Lucking, Suzie; Malane,
>David; Marsh, Harry; Mazy, Anthony;; McCarty, Steve;
>McKenna. Tom; Nibler, Valerie; Nguyen, Young; Pardo,Ruben; Patterson, Jamie;
>Pelchat, Clifford; Pouliot, Daniel; Price, Jim; Powell, Randy; Powers, John;
>; Rostker, Margaret; Rowe, Jeff;
>Silva, Rick; Smith, Kathy; Stacey, Kirsten; Sweeney, Dave; Taylor, Paul ;
>Thomas, Richard; Tucker, Jim;; "Vahlstrom, Tim"
><> "Vanderlin, John"; Weller, Patrick; Woychik, Eric;
>'Roscow, Steve';
>Subject: Re: UNISWG 2nd Draft Report
>My comments are two (if it's too late for these to go into the draft, I'll
>put them into formal comments):
>1. We propose an intelligent UNI. The UNI is fundamentally a geographic ID.
>We propose a number that includes either lat/long or zip code plus several
>non-intelligent digits. Knowing where the service point is physically is of
>tremendous value in resolving problems.
>2. We oppose any centralized functions. The UDCs, as recommended, should
>assign and manage UNIs as part of the distribution function (after all,
>we're putting an ID on all there distribution end points). After specifying
>the standard format and method of assigning, accessing and obtaining UNIs,
>where some CPUC rules - hopefully minimal - are needed, no central
>coordination is needed.
>I appreciate the chance to comment.
>At 07:50 PM 2/26/98 -0800, LORENZO KRISTOV wrote:
>>Suggested revisions must be received by close of business Tuesday March
>>3. Send to Lorenzo Kristov at
>>Attachment Converted: "C:\EUDORA\Attach\UNIS_D5.DOC"
>Chris S. King
>Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.