Notes from Metering Issues Mtg (11/20) sponsored by SCE

Attached are the draft Notes from the Meeting held on 11/20/98 at the
Ontario Marriott Hotel, sponsored by SCE, to deal with Metering Issues. 
These notes represent the scribed comments, issues, and agreements as
captured during the session.  For those who attended, if there are items
you recall that were missed or needing correction, please let me know. 
Also, attached is the presentation by Ward Camp (Phaser).  Although this
information has not been fully reviewed by all participants, I wanted to
get it out in time for the upcoming OCC (12/2) and Rule 22 (12/3)
meetings.  If there are subsequent updates, I will make sure to repost
these notes.  Thanks.

  Mark Schindel
  Southern California Edison Co


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