Notes from DASR/Acct Maint Bus Policies Mtg on 2/1

Here are the DASR/Account Maintenance Business Policies (and discussion
notes) that we were able to reach agreement on at two recent meetings (1/21
and 2/1).  Let me congratulate and thank the many contributors to these
Policies (at those two meetings and before) for their perseverance, time,
and extra efforts to reach these agreements.  They will be presented and
discussed at upcoming OCC (2/3) and Rule 22 (2/4) meetings, but all Market
Participants should be reviewing these Policies.  Finalization on these
Business Policies needs to happen very soon, so that Market Participants can
prepare the necessary system changes to support the new EDI 814 transactions
that will implement these rules.  If you have any comments or issues, feel
free to bring them up at the OCC or Rule 22 meetings, or you can send them
to Chris Alba ( or myself (

	 <<DASR - Acct Maint Bus Policies (2-1-99).doc>> 	 <<DASR -
Acct Maint Rules Mtg Attendees (2-1-99).doc>> 	 <<DASR - Acct Maint Rules
Mtg Attendees (1-21-99).doc>> 

   Mark Schindel
   Southern California Edison Co


