Results of Meter Usage Data Task Group's EDI Development

Attached are the meeting notes (notes127.doc) for the Meter Usage Data Task
Group's January 27 to 29 meeting to document and freeze the data elements
for EDI transaction set 867.  The primary content of these meeting notes is
actually in separate attachments:  the Business Requirements Overview
(ca867rqt.doc), data dictionary (cmep2edi.doc), and EDI implementation
guideline (ca867.doc).  Text revisions to ca867rqt.doc and ca867.doc that
resulted from the January meeting are redlined for comparison to previous
versions.  These documents include changes resulting from the Utility
Industry Group's (UIG) February 1999 adoption of California's proposed
additions to UIG's EDI guideline, in which our proposed structures were
incorporated but with a couple of cases where different specific codes were
approved, with no change in context or usage.

These documents (other than the brief meeting notes) have been previously
circulated to task group members, and the delay in general circulation of
these documents has been to provide task group members an adequate
opportunity to review the final versions.  I will be asking for concurrence
at the upcoming OCC and Rule 22 meetings for filing of these documents as
the Rule 22 committee's April 2 report to the CPUC pursuant to D.98-12-080
(the PSWG decision) -- final formatting and introductory text is still
needed, but will be added by then.

Also attached are meeting notes (notes125.doc) for the January 25, 1999,
conference call in preparation for the January 27-29 meeting.  These meeting
notes were circulated to participants immediately after the call, but have
not been circulated to the Rule 22 web site previously.

Jim Price, CPUC/ORA,




