Proposed Agenda for 8/18 Internet EDI Meeting

Attached is the proposed agenda for the Wednesday, August 18, meeting of the
Internet EDI task group.  (edi818.doc)

The contacts that I have had so far for presentations are 90 minutes at the
start of the meeting (including Q&A) with Steve Dougherty (Director of
Technical Risk Assessment for the CA ISO) regarding the ISO's Public Key
Infrastructure activities, and an update by Dick Brooks (Group 8760)
regarding the current standards development work at IETF and GISB.  If
others are interested in alloting time on the agenda for speakers, please
let me know ASAP.  One document for review during the remaining agenda items
is the summary of functional requirements, which was previously distributed
for review and is also attached (edireqts.doc).

The meeting location is SDG&E, 8306 Century Park Ct, San Diego, CA 92123,
Bldg 4, Rm. 4120A.  We'll start at 9:30 AM and hope to go through 4 PM.
Please RSVP to Norma Salazar at SDG&E,, ASAP so that
SDG&E can make the appropriate food arrangements.  Thanks!

