- December 30, 1997 - CPUC Orders Electric Industry
Status Quo Until ISO And PX Are Up And Running
- December 23, 1997 - CPUC Action As ISO and PX Delay
Start Of Electricity Competition
- December 17, 1997 - CPUC Approves PG&Es Sale Of
Morro Bay, Moss Landing, And Oakland Generation Plants
- December 17, 1997 - Richard A. Bilas To Be CPUC
President In 1998
- December 17, 1997 - CPUC Approves Revenue Increases For SCW Districts
- December 17, 1997 - CPUC Approves Integrating GTEC Rates Into Contel Areas
- December 17, 1997 - CPUC Approves CWS Rate Decrease
- December 17, 1997 - CPUC Approves Edison Plant Sale
- December 16, 1997 - CPUC Sets Rules For
Utility/affiliate Relationships In Competitive Electricity Market
- November 19, 1997 - CPUC Defines Electric Utility
Transition Costs Eligible For Recovery Between Now And 2002
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Says Phone Companies Must
Complete Calls Regardless Of Disputes Over Compensation
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Says
"Cross-connects" Are Pac Bells To Maintain And Orders Refunds To Consumers
Charged For Work On Them
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Commissioner Neeper to hold
Office Hours in San Diego
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Commissioner Neeper to hold
Office Hours in Los Angeles
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Approves Revenue Increase For Baycliff Water
- November 5, 1997 - CPUC Commissioner Duque to hold
Office Hours in Sacramento
- October 30, 1997 - CPUC Approves Specific Rules To
Enable Customer Choice Of Electricity Providers
- October 30, 1997 - Load Profiling Facilitates Consumer
Choice In Coming Competitive Electricity Market
- October 22, 1997 - CPUC Considers Changing Water
Industry Regulation
- October 22, 1997 - CPUC Affirms Utility Tree-Trimming
Schedule, Exempts Large Trunk Trees
- October 9, 1997 - How Customer Information Can Be
Released To Customers And To Competing Electric Service Providers
- September 26, 1997 - CPUC Orders Meeting In
Bakersfield To Discuss Area Code Split
- September 26, 1997 - CPUC Orders Pacific Bell To
Improve Notices And Bills
- September 24, 1997 - CPUC Fines Socalgas For Violations
That Caused Pipeline Rupture
- September 24, 1997 - CPUC Approves SoCalGas Rate
Increase, Subject To Refund
- September 24, 1997 - Energy Public Purpose
Programs Will Continue, CPUC Outlines Transition From Utility To Independent Control
- September 15, 1997- CPUC Gets Court Order to Retrieve Goods
For Customers of Illegal Mover
- September 3, 1997 - CPUC Gives Edison Go Ahead To Commence
Plant Sale
- September 3, 1997 - CPUC Identifies Three Key Rail
Hazard Sites; Issues New Rules To Avert Accidents
- September 3, 1997 - CPUC Approves Electric Rate
Reduction Bonds
- September 3, 1997 - CPUC Allows PG&Es Auction Of
Three Generation Plants
- September 3, 1997 - CPUC Approves 209 Area Code Split -
North Keeps 209
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC Approves Sierra Pacific Customer
Education Program About Electric Industry Change
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC Approves Pacificorp Customer
Education Program about Electric Industry Change
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC Approves Utility Plans For Customer
Education About Electric Industry Change and Consumer Choice
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC-Approved Accord Geared To
Promote Gas Competition in Northern California
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC Seeks to Toughen Rules on
Slamming;issues 'Zero Tolerance' Warning to Telcos
- August 1, 1997 - CPUC Unbundles Utility Services and Rates
in Preparation for Competitive Electricity Market in 1998
- July 17, 1997 - CPUC Seeks Nominees for Diablo Canyon
Independent Safety Committee
- July 16, 1997 - CPUC Approves MCIC-British Telecom Merger
- June 26, 1997 - CPUC Will Hold Hearing on Local
Railroad Safety Rules
- June 26, 1997 - CPUC Approves Discounts for Schools
and Libraries
- June 20, 1997 - CPUC Shuts off Illegal Mover's
Telephone Service
- June 13, 1997 - CPUC Acts to Improve Phone Relay Service
for the Deaf
- June 11, 1997 - CPUC Updates Income Eligibility Levels
for Lifeline Phone Program
- June 11, 1997 - CPUC Changes 916/530 Area Code Boundary
- June 11, 1997 - CPUC Sets Electric Industry Transition
Cost Recovery Parameters
- June 11, 1997 - CPUC Authorizes Sale of Red &
White Ferry to Blue & Gold
- May 21, 1997 - CPUC Adopts Plan to Allow PG&E to
Recover Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Costs
- May 21, 1997 - CPUC Suspends and Fines CTS; Orders Refund
and Penalty to be Paid to State
- May 6, 1997 - CPUC Creates Billing / Metering Options
for the Competitive Electric Market
- May 6, 1997 - Electric Market Open to Utility
Customers in 1998
- April 24, 1997 - CPUC Urges Caution at Railroad
- March 31, 1997 - CPUC Adopts Electric Utility
Inspection Standards
- March 31, 1997 - CPUC Approves Telesis/SBC Merger
- March 31, 1997 - CPUC Approves Plans to Educate
about Electric Industry Changes
- March 18, 1997 - CPUC Changes Dixon's Area Code and
Delays 415 Code Split
- March 18, 1997 - CPUC Investigation into Call
- March 10, 1997 - CPUC Limits Pacific Bell's ISDN
Retail Rate Increase
- February 19, 1997 - CPUC Revises Income Elgibility
Limits for Low-income Gas And Electricity Service, and Weatherization Assistance Programs
- February 7, 1997 - CPUC Looks to Companies to Jump into
Local Phone Service Market
- February 7, 1997 - CPUC Urges Eligible Schools,
Libraries, Hospitals, Community Organizations to Apply for California Teleconnect Fund
- February 7, 1997 - CPUC Adopts Area Code Splits
for 213, 408, 510 and 714
- February 5, 1997 - Public Purpose Programs in a Competitive
Electric Industry
- January 24, 1997 - CPUC Approvals Bring Major Long
Distance Companies into Local Service Market
- January 23, 1997 - CPUC Sets Surcharges to Fund
Universal Phone Service
- January 23, 1997 - CPUC Makes Electric Utility
Tree-trimming Standards Stronger
- January 23, 1997 - CPUC Adopts 1997 Business Plan