RSIF Subcommittee Reports

To RSIF workshop participants:

The RSIF workshop report identified 3 areas of additional work as 
high-priority areas to be addressed with follow-up reports on August 15. 
Attached are reports on two of the three high-priority areas:

RSIFDQI.DOC is the supplemental report on Data Quality and Integrity 
(previously referred to as Audit Requirements).

Consensu.DOC and Appen_d are the supplemental report documents for the
UDC-ESP Communications (previously referred to as Billing Data Exchange).

The report on Distribution Load Factors will be distributed on Tuesday, 
August 19.

Toby Tyler
Kirsten Stacey

Rsifdqi.doc (Microsoft Word Document)

Consensu.doc (Microsoft Word Document)

Appen_d.doc (Microsoft Word Document)