FW: Agenda Item for December Rule 22 Meeting

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Fellows, Donald A 
> Sent:	Thursday, November 19, 1998 2:47 PM
> To:	Rule 22 List Server (E-mail)
> Cc:	Fielder, John R; Mcnulty, Frank A
> Subject:	Agenda Item for December Rule 22 Meeting
> At the last meeting, I was asked to make a proposal for treatment of costs
> arising from actions taken by the Rule 22 Working Group.  My proposal is
> attached.
>  <<AGREE.DOC>> 
> Please include this item on the agenda for the December rule 22 meeting.
> By the way, has the meeting been officially changed to Dec 3?
> Don Fellows
> Southern California Edison
> Phone 626-302-8175
> FAX 626-302-1626