San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Line Project. Applications for this project were submitted to the CPUC on December 14, 2005 (A.05-12-014) and August 4, 2006 (A.06-08-010). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review processes.


SDG&E has filed an application with the CPUC to construct the Sunrise Powerlink Project (SRPL). The CPUC is the CEQA lead agency and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is the lead agency under NEPA. The CPUC and BLM are preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR, under CEQA) and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS, under NEPA), which will be published as a single joint document, an EIR/EIS.

This project was approved by the California Independent System Operator on August 3, 2006. The Proponent's Environmental Assessment was filed with the CPUC on August 4, 2006 and is available on SDG&E's project website.

The CPUC maintains other web pages for documents related to its proceeding on the SRPL, where it makes available documents filed by parties to that proceeding. The web page for Application A.06-08-010 incorporates the earlier filing, and lists documents and rulings filed in the proceedings. The CPUC also maintains a page of general information on the SRPL project.

The SRPL Project, as proposed by SDG&E, includes a new, approximately 90-mile, 500 kV line from Imperial Valley Substation (in Imperial County, near the City of El Centro) to a new Central East Substation (in central San Diego County, south of the intersection of County Highways S22 and S2). The 500 kV portion would approximately follow the eastern boundary of BLM lands west of El Centro and SR 78, and would pass through Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.

The SRPL Project also proposes approximately 60 miles of 230 kV transmission lines from the new Central East Substation to SDG&E's existing Peñasquitos Substation (in the City of San Diego). SDG&E proposes to construct two segments underground (one segment south of Ramona and another in the community of Ranchos Peñasquitos, San Diego). Figure 1 shows an overview of the proposed project route.

Notice of Additional Public Participation Hearings

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is holding two more hearings in Borrego Springs to give the public and interested parties an opportunity to speak directly to CPUC Commissioners and the Administrative Law Judge about the proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project and alternatives evaluated in the EIR/EIS. Two separate hearings will be held on the same day:

Date: May 12, 2008
Times: 1:00-5:00 p.m. and 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: Borrego Springs Resort, De Anza Room
1112 Tilting T Drive, Borrego Springs, CA 92004
(760) 767-5700

Comments made at these hearings will be considered by the CPUC in its decision-making process but will not be considered as comments on the Draft EIR/EIS. As described below, the comment period on the Draft EIR/EIS closed on April 11, 2008.


The Draft EIR/EIS was released to the public on January 3, 2008 and the public comment period ended on April 11, 2008. It is available here and is also available for review at numerous area libraries and government offices.

Copies of the Executive Summary of the Draft EIR/EIS along with a DVD of the complete document may be requested. The CPUC and BLM also have a limited number of copies of the complete six-volume Draft EIR/EIS document available to the public. Requests for documents should be made to (866) 711-3106 (phone or fax) or via e-mail to

Resumen en Español. Un resumen del borrador Informe de Impacto Ambiental/Declaración de Impacto Ambiental en español está disponible aquí.

Informational Workshops. The CPUC and BLM held 9 informational workshops during the week of January 28, 2008.

Public Participation Hearings. Five Public Participation Hearings were held in February 2008 to receive oral and written comments on the Draft EIR/EIS from interested parties. Transcripts of these hearings are available at the links below:

San Diego, 2/25/08
Pine Valley, 2/25/08
Borrego Springs, 2/26/08
Ramona, 2/26/08
Julian, 2/27/08

Comments on the Draft EIR/EIS

Written comments on the Draft EIR/EIS have been received in the following categories, and are available at the links below:

EIR/EIS Alternatives

Throughout 2007, the CPUC and BLM gathered information on alternatives to the proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project through an extensive public involvement process. Information and documents from that process are available here.

Documents Available

In addition to the EIR/EIS, other documents that were published during the CEQA and NEPA processes are available here.

Data Requests

The EIR/EIS Team submits Data Requests to SDG&E and other entities when it needs specific information to support EIR/EIS preparation. These requests are available here at the time they are issued.

Requests for Technical Information Related to the Draft EIR/EIS

During the 90-day public comment period on the Draft EIR/EIS, various parties submitted requests for technical information related to that document. The information provided has available here.

For Additional Information

To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:

Project email:
Project fax and voicemail: (866) 711-3106

The CPUC's Project Manager is:

Billie Blanchard, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel. (415) 703-2068
Fax (415) 703-2200

Comments Received on the Draft EIR/EIS

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC. Note: For faster results in displaying the largest files (files over 5.0MB are marked "large" below), right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to your hard drive, then double-click the downloaded file.

Written Comments Received from Agencies and Tribal Governments
California Department of Parks & Recreation (large)
Imperial County Planning & Development Services ALUC (large)
Imperial County Public Works Department
State of California, 76th Assembly District
San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Campo Kumeyaay Nation
California State Senator
Pala Band of Mission Indians, Tribal Historic Preservation Office
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Imperial Irrigation District
Padre Dam Municipal Water District
California State Department of Transportation
Imperial County Air Pollution Control Board of Supervisors
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians
Caltrans District 11
United States Navy
County of San Diego
La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians
Imperial County Board of Supervisors
California Legislators
Native American Heritage Commission
California State Lands Commission
California Department of Fish & Game and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
City of Santee (large)
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
MCAS Miramar
City Attorney, City of San Diego
California Independent System Operator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (large)
Pechanga Indian Reservation
City of Poway
State Water Resources Control Board
Viejas Tribal Government (large)
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Written Comments Received from Groups, Organizations, Nonprofits, and Private Companies
Potrero Community Planning Group
Boulevard Planning Group (large)
Back Country Coalition (large)
Stirling Energy System Media Relations
Anza-Borrego Foundation
Mussey Grade Road Alliance (large)
Torrey Hawks Hang Gliding Club
Lansing Industries - Rutan & Tucker LLP
Julian Community Planning Group
Jamul Dulzura Community Planning Group
Utility Consumers' Action Network
Powers Engineering
Community Alliance for Sensible Energy (CASE)
Underground Powerlink Association
Descanso Planning Group
Save Potrero
The Committee for Responsible Growth
The Nevada Hydro Company, Inc. (large)
Torrey Hills Community Planning Board
Starlight Mountain Estates Owners
Fox Outdoor School (large)
Carmel Valley Community Planning Board (large)
Natural Resources Defense Council
Ninth District PTA
Save Our Bay (large)
ENPEX (large)
Pacific Crest Trail Association
Desert Protective Council
Barratt American Inc.
California State Parks Foundation
San Dieguito River Parks Joint Powers Authority
Deerhorn Valley Committee of Ongoing Relief Effort
Rancho Peñasquitos Concerned Citizens
MMR Power Solutions LLC
Imperial County Farm Bureau
CALEnergy Operating Corporation
Crest-Dehesa-Granite Hills-Harbison Canyon Subregional Planning Group
California Farm Bureau Federation
California Wilderness Coalition
Wilderness 4 All
Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club
San Diego County Archaeological Society
SunCal Companies (large)
Sierra Club, Visual Pollution and Scenic Preservation Task Force
Southern California Edison
EnviroMINE (large)
California State Park Rangers Association
Torrey Hills Community Coalition
Sempra Generation
Del Mar Mesa Community Planning Board
Written Comments Received from Individuals
Buxton, Cindy
Puglisi, Austin & Westenhaver, Anne
Emery, Fred
Loughridge, Chris
Oesting, Roena
Gilleran, Aurele
Thompson, Elena & John
Klimowitch, Karen & Paul
Lewis, Darcy
Breisch, Nancy & Eric, and Spinelli, Angelo & Enrichetta
Hoover, Paul
Mendenhall, John
Huey, Janet
Norman, Meade (large)
Koeshall, Paul
Copic, Laura
Thorpe, Sandra
White, Jennifer
Faulkner, Robie & Jane
Frick, Gene
Kruidenier, Liz
Landfield, Stacey
Milligan, Michael
Ulanicki, Slawomir
Webb, Sam
Mackey, Betsy
Miller, Greg and Linda
Fine, Arthur (large)
Sardina, George
Hazlitt, Jack
MacDonald, David
Winship, Diane
Snipes, Sally
Lawrence, Dan
Parcells, Barbara
Hansen, Mrs. Michal
D'Spain, Ruth
Walsh, Thomas
Jerney, Roger
Beck, Kathleen
Baran, Robert
Beeman, Daniel
Ellison, George
Esry, Beverly
Hogue, Larry
Jamison, Shelia
Johnson, Larry
Kuhlman, Armin & Rhea
Larson, Donald
Mack, Callie
Mulholland, Lynn
Myers, Thomas & Judith
Perkiss, Shirley
Rains, Kalu
Bradshaw, Denise
Shively, Ellen
Sutton, Tanja
Vachal, Paul
Schulz, Kimberly
Strickland, Sheryll Rainey
Coon, Warren
Hartman, Jeanette
Goodbody, Antoinette
Johnson, Anne E.
Raifsnider, John
Bainbridge, John
Smith, Jennifer
Smith, Luke
Olsen, Debbie
Fender, Judy
Lehmer, Lorien
Keats, Mary Ann
Bernard, Joan
Gallina, Monica
Kugler, Mary Lou
Horton, John
Noblett, Patricia & Travis
Caputo, Rich
Singer, Gidon Taylor
Cole, Art
Lindemann, James
Veborg, Bob
Miller, Skip (large)
Crawley, William & Ramsey, Cathey
Arispe, Roxanne
Zahn, Charles
Sanfilippo, Valerie
Hopkins, George
Wilhelmy, Roland
Concannon, Dave
Nuffer, Dave & Mary
James, Denis
Williams, Anita Alvarez
Russell, Louise
White, Claudia
Schoore, Kay & Vern
Mullen, Ted
Decker, Phil & Norma
Larson, Tim
Dowds, Curtis
Hom, Dan
Coltrain, Donald
Pinkerton, Dave & Rita
Hoyt, Joyal
Barnes, Franklin
Courson, Gregory D.
Kwon, Benjamin
Childs, Ken
Feiget, Norman
Stuart, Bob
Trafecanty, Denis
Gastil, Gordon & Janet
Moore, Richard
Johnson, Bruce
Richard, Trudy
Rogers, Stephen
Hughes, Jerry
Gibson, John
Ayer, Jacqueline (large)
Weflen, Nathan (large)
Lindemann, James & Sally
Harrington, Daniel & Gloria
Haldeman, Judy
Bree, Donn
Barger, Daniel
Lee, Donald
Sanders, Ron
Hammond, Robert
Lenac, Randolph S. & Barbara G.P. (large)
Hanson, Jessica - Star Ranch
Morse, Denise
Rusch, Randy
Allen, Michelle & Johnnylee
Rosen, Joan
Rubin, Ester
Johnstone, Jeanne
Withers, Judith
Earnshaw, Michelle
Lynch, Sharon
Wosk, Myrna
Zack, Andrew
Davis, Shannon
Geels, John & Linda
Bremer, John & Phyllis
Easter, Kathy
Justo, Kenneth
Valentine, James
Taylor, James
Anderson, Bryn
Catapano, Lisa
Hall, Teresa & Ron
Martin, Jeff
Donatt, Paul
Van Nevel, Kaye
Forst, John
Muench, Jon
Clement, Billie
Johnson, George - Johnson International Inc.
Howe, Adrianna
Bidlack, Nancy
Zemon, Jeri Beth
Elisara, Tricia
Parker, Marilyn
Zemon, Sharon
Bryson, Phil
Pollycutt, Joan & Chuck
Pinto, Michael
Wortman, Randi W.
Fuentes, Hector
Holtz, Toni
Stout, David
Devoe, Violet
Reed, Patty and O'Connell, Lila
Beyer, Shirley
Stokes, Glenn
Deveau, Trixie
Palmer, Janine
Martin, Dick
Ozolins, Ivars
Palmer, Terence
Jopling, Blake
Green, Steve
Johnson, Carl
Hardaker, Morley & Lorell
Stewart, Kay
Gorka, Catherine
Zablotny, Paul
Snyder, Lynn
Acerro, Theresa
Moretti Family Carristo Ranch - Katherine Moretti (large)
Loving, Robert & Kris
Jerney, Charles
Smith, Ann K.
House, Alan
Keyton, Charles
Costello, Joyce & David
Glaeser, Gretchen
Kuhn, Heidi L.
Krekelberg, Kevin
Thuet, Coral
Krekelberg, Lauren
Schmidt, William H.
Hedlun, Jan
Berglund, Dennis & Connie
Contasti, John A.
Case, Angela
Sullivan, Martha
Carr, Barbara
Dillon, Joseph
Bowen, Bruce & Jonas, Junona
Sykes, Jeff
Van Leeuwen, Bill, Dolores, Richard & Michele
Riney, Dave
Smith, Dave
Petersen, Tim and Mona - Rock Canyon Ranch and Vineyards
Sally Worttman
Kimmerly, Glenda
Kirkwood, Walter & Suzanne
Anderson, Janet
Shain, Britta Lee
Shackelford, Janis - Lakeside Community Planning Group
Hoefer, Alex
Voss, David
Jopling, Dennis
Bradbury, Gary
Blakley, Michael
Serrano, Lina W.
Written Comments Received from San Diego Gas & Electric Company
Letter No. 1 (1/28/08)
Letter No. 2 (2/11/08)
Letter No. 3 (3/19/08) (large)
Letter No. 4 (4/11/08) (large)
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