CALIFORNIA PUC > Energy > California Environmental Quality Act > Current Projects San Diego Gas & ElectricSycamore-Peñasquitos 230 Kilovolt Transmission Line ProjectNOTE: Linked files presented on this page are in PDF format. To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your computer. For faster results in displaying the larger files, right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to your hard drive, then double-click the downloaded file. |
Data Response Attachments |
SDG&E Deficiency Report ResponseAttachment numbers correspond to the Deficiency Request question number.Attachment DR 1: GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 7: GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 8: Substation Profiles--Confidential. Attachment DR 11: Manpower and Equipment < br> Attachment DR 12: Preliminary Draft Fire Plan Attachment DR 14: a) Table 14-1 KOP Photograph Data b) KOP GIS Shapefiles Attachment DR 15: Marker Ball Spans Attachment DR 16: Angle Structures Attachment DR 17 - 21: Air Quality Tables Attachment DR 22: Spring Rare Plants Attachment DR 23: Access Road GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 25: Cultural Resources Reports--Confidential. Attachment DR 26: Cultural Resources Reports--Confidential. Attachment DR 27: a) Geotechnical Reports 230 kV San Onofre to Escondido February 1972 and b) April 1972 c) Geotechnical Reports--Confidential. Attachment DR 31: Drainage Crossing Map Attachment DR 37: Example Traffic Control Plans Attachment DR 38: Construction Traffic SDG&E Data Response 1Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 2: Retaining Wall GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 3: Pole Removal GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 4 and 57: a) Segment B Alignment and Work Limits b) GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 6: Access Road GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 7: Revised Staging Yards GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 10: Encina Tap Attachment DR 19: Alternate Cable Pole Map, GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 21: Original KOP Photos and Simulations Attachment DR 24 - 26: Air Quality Tables Attachment DR 34: Cultural Survey GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 37: Soils Table Attachment DR 48: Trails Map Attachment DR 54: a) Speed Limit Map b) Traffic Data Dates Attachment DR 63: Letter from City of San Diego's Public Utilities Department SDG&E Data Response 2Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Chicarita South Property Owner Letter b) Torrey Santa Fe Aerial Photo c) Stowe Property Owner Letter Attachment DR 4: Various Foundation Photos Attachment DR 5: Bundled 230 KV Photos Attachment DR 6: a) Typical 138kV TSP b) Typical 230 kV Splice Vault c) 69kV Single Circuit Cable Pole Attachment DR 7: Topped Pole Photo Attachment DR 9: a) Substation Details b) Substation Diagram--Confidential. Attachment DR 14: Vendura Retaining Wall Photo Attachment DR 15: Works Areas GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 19: Project Features GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 22: Letter from City of San Diego's Public Utilities Department (Same as Attachment DR 63 above) Attachment DR 25: Pole Locations GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 89: KOP Photos and Visual Simulations (Same as Attachment DR 21 above) Attachment DR 102: a) New Biological Survey Areas Memo b) GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 103: Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Memo Attachment DR 104: Burrowing Owl Memo Attachment DR 105: Thread-leaved Brodiaea Memo Attachment DR 106: Willowy Monardella Memo Attachment DR 107: Orcutt Grass Memo Attachment DR 108: Road Ruts GIS Files--Confidential. Attachment DR 109: Cultural Resources Survey Report--Confidential. Project Refinement Report--Confidential. SDG&E Data Response 3Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 3: Topped and Pole Removal GIS Attachment DR 6: SDG&E BMP Manual Attachment DR 8: Access Road GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 11: Existing Magnetic Field Results Attachment DR 13: a) Topped Pole Tables b) Steel H-Frame Diagram Attachment DR 14: Structure 154 GIS Attachment DR 15: Work Area GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 17: P3 Diagram Attachment DR 19: a) Encina Hub--Confidential. b) Structure GIS Attachment DR 21: a) ADSS Exhibits b) Segment D Refinement Table Attachment DR 22: a) Emissions Spreadsheets b) Revised Emissions Tables Attachment DR 26: a) Vegetation Survey Memo b) Biology GIS Attachment DR 27: a) Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Memo b) Quino Checkerspot Butterfly GIS Attachment DR 28: a) Focused Burrowing Owl Habitat Assessment b) Figure 1 c) Figure 2 d) Figure 3 e) Figure 4 Attachment DR 29: BroFil GIS Attachment DR 30: Jurisdictional Delineation GIS Attachment DR 31: a) Archaeological Survey Report--Confidential. b) Archaeological GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 32: SDI-14131 Evaluation Results--Confidential. Attachment DR 33: Landscape Assessment--Confidential. Attachment DR 34: a) SDG&E's 2014 Fire Prevention Plan b) SDG&E's Electric Standard Practice 113.1 Attachment DR 35: a) Figures of Original Noise Measurement Locations b) Noise Measurement Tables c) 24-hour Raw Data d) New Survey Locations GIS Attachment DR 36: Carmel Valley Road Traffic Study SDG&E Data Response 4Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) MCAS Miramar Easement b) MCAS Miramar Easement GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 2: a) MCAS Miramar Letter dated November 11, 2013 b) MCAS Miramar Letter dated March 5, 2014 c) Contacts at MCAS Miramar SDG&E Data Response 5Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Draft EIR Project Description b) Trench Diagram c) Map Comments d) GIS Data Attachment DR 4: Helicopter Use Plan Attachment DR 5: Evergreen Nursery Email a) Archaeological Survey Report--Confidential. b) Biological Resources Survey c) Vegetation Data GIS Attachment DR 8: California Department of Parks and Recreation Forms--Confidential. Attachment DR 9: a) Replacement Tables b) Construction Emissions Attachment DR 10: SX-PQ Carmel Valley Road Traffic Impact Study Attachment DR 11: a) Cumulative Project List Table b) Cumulative Project GIS--Confidential. UPDATED: a) Cumulative Project List Table b) Cumulative Project GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 12: Radius Map SDG&E Data Response 6Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Rare Plant GIS SDG&E Data Response 7Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: 138kV Steel H-Frame Typical Diagram Attachment DR 2: Burrowing Owl GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 3: Rare Plant GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 4: Revised Air Quality Emissions Tables Attachment DR 6: Additional Work Area GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 7: DPR Forms-Confidential. Attachment DR 8: Supplemental Analysis-Confidential. Attachment DR 9: Survey Schedule Attachment DR 10: Draft EIR Project Description Text SDG&E Data Response 8Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Contingency File 2017--Confidential. b) Contingency File 2019--Confidential. Attachment DR 3: a) Mercy Road Underground Design b) Pending c) Pole Work Data d) Typical Underground Work Area e) Typical Duct Bank Dimensions f) Design Assumptions g) Underground Design GIS Attachment DR 4: Stonebridge-Mira Mesa Combined Underground Design Attachment DR 5: Pomerado-Miramar North Underground Design Attachment DR 6: Pomerado-Miramar Combined Underground Design Attachment DR 7: Segment D 69kV Partial Underground Attachment DR 8: a) Relocation Pole Detail Table b) GIS Data Attachment DR 9: a) Preliminary Underground Alignment b) GIS Data SDG&E Data Response 9Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 2: a) Encina Hub JD Memo b) GIS Data c) JD Memo d) GIS Data Attachment DR 4: a) Burrowing Owl Memorandum at Encina Hub b) Burrowing Owl Memorandum at Staging Yards Attachment DR 6: a) Biological Survey Letter b) Cultural Survey Letter--Confidential. c) Site Records--Confidential. d) Vegetation GIS SDG&E Data Response 10Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Input Tables b) Magnetic Field Calculations for Alternatives c) Summary of Calculated Values for Proposed Project Attachment DR 2: a) Segment B UG Utilities GIS b) Segment B Detail Map Attachment DR 3: a) SDGE Gas and Dist. GIS--Confidential. b) SDGE Gas and Dist. Map--Confidential. c) Non-SDGE UG Utility GIS Attachment DR 4: Overview Map and Cross Sections Attachment DR 6: a) Existing Aerial Marking b) Lighting Standards and Specifications Attachment DR 7: Alternatives Overview Map Attachment DR 8: I-15 Structure Map Attachment DR 11: a) CA-SDI-13082 and 12123--Confidential. b) SR-56 Report--Confidential. c) SDI-13082 Update--Confidential. d) SDI-14123 Update--Confidential. e) SDI-13082 and CA-SDI-14123 GIS--Confidential. Attachment DR 12: SDI-18277 Evaluation Results--Confidential. Attachment DR 13: a) Work Impact Areas GIS b) DEIR Table 2.4-1 Revised SDG&E Data Response 11Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Cable Pole Table Attachment DR 2: a) Rare Plant Survey Report b) GIS Data c) Rare Plant Survey Update Memo d) Updated Rare Plant GIS SDG&E Data Response 12Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) P41A Work Area Map b) P41A Preliminary Design c) GIS Data d) P41A Simulations Attachment DR 2: South of CVR Alternative Work Area Map Attachment DR 3: BMR UG Work Areas Map Attachment DR 4: Cable Pole Fence Location Attachment DR 6: a) Access Map b) Easement Excerpt Attachment DR 7: Agency Stakeholder Interaction Details Attachment DR 8: Existing Utilities GIS - Segment B SDG&E Data Response 13Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 4: Emissions Spreadsheets SDG&E Data Response 14Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Cross Sections Attachment DR 2: CAISO Correspondence Attachment DR 3: Easement Attachment DR 4: Sycamore to Mission Cross Sections Attachment DR 6: a) Kilroy b) Poway Unified Property and Potential Staging Area c) Biological Survey d) Archaeological Survey Report--Confidential. e) Poway Unified School District Permission Letter Attachment DR 7: Peñasquitos Junction to Peñasquitos Substation Cross Sections Attachment DR 8: Peñasquitos Junction to Peñasquitos Substation (Mission to Peñasquitos Proposed) Cross Sections SDG&E Data Response 15Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Mission to Sycamore Cross Section b) Mission to Sycamore Revised Cross Sections SDG&E Data Response 16Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Mission to Peñasquitos Cross Sections Attachment DR 3: a) H-Frame GIS Data b) H-Frame Structure Map Attachment DR 4: a) Revised Work Areas GIS Data b) Changes to Project Description c) Impact Revision Mapbook Attachment DR 5: a) CVR Staging Yard GIS Data b) CVR Staging Yard Survey Memo Attachment DR 6: Archaeological Survey Report--Confidential. SDG&E Data Response 17Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Mission to Sycamore Cross Sections Attachment DR 3: Mission to San Luis Rey Cross Sections Attachment DR 5.3: Revised Work Areas GIS Data Attachment DR 5.4: Revised Vegetation Mapping Memo Attachment DR 6: a) H-Frame Overview Map b) H-Frame Photos c) H-Frame Removal Work Areas GIS Data Attachment DR 7: a) CVR Yard Delineation Memo b) Vegetation Mapping GIS Data SDG&E Data Response 18Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Least Bell's Vireo Focused Survey Report for the Main Alignment b) Least Bell's Vireo Focused Survey Report for Encina Hub c) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Focused Survey Report for the Main Alignment d) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Focused Survey Report for Encina Hub e) Burrowing Owl Focused Survey Report for the Main Alignment f) Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Focused Survey Report for the Main Alignment g) California Orcutt Grass Focused Survey Memo for the Main Alignment h) Thread-Leaved Brodiaea Focused Survey Memo for the Main Alignment i) Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Focused Survey Report for Encina Hub j) Burrowing Owl Focused Survey Report for Encina Hub k) Light-Footed Ridgway's Rail Focused Survey Memo for Encina Hub l) Least Bell's Vireo Focused Survey Report for Alternative 4 m) Coastal California Gnatcher Focused Survey Report for Alternative 4 n) Updated Special-Status Plant Species Survey Report for Alternatives 2a and 2b Attachment DR 6: Clearance Check Output Table Attachment DR 7: Alternative Route 5 Segment C Proposed Overhead and Buried Steeel Pipes Map--Confidential. Attachment DR 8: Pomerado Bridge Crossing SDG&E Data Response 19Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Revised Magnetic Field Calculations from DR 10 Attachment DR 2: a) Thread-Leaved Brodiaea GIS Data b) Alternative 2 Rare Plants GIS Data SDG&E Data Response 20Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) 2016 Meeting Minutes b) 2015 Meeting Summary Attachment DR 2: Proposed Project Catenary Span Review Attachment DR 5: Traffic Information Memo SDG&E Data Response 22Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: a) Alternative 5 Staging Yards Maps b) Alternative 5 Staging Yards Photos c) Carmel Mountain Road Bridge Cells Memo Attachment DR 1 (Part 2): a) Revised Alternative 5 Staging Yards Maps b) Alternative 5 Staging Yard 4 Photos c) Alternative 5 Staging Yards GIS Attachment DR 2: a) SX-PQ Transmission Line Traffic Study Response Explanations b) Revised Traffic Information Memo SDG&E Data Response 23Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Magnetic Field Management Plan for Alternative Routes in the Final EIR SDG&E PFM Data Response 1Attachment numbers correspond to the Data Request question number.Attachment DR 1: Part 1) GIS Shapefile Package for Mapbook Features Part 2) GIS shapefiles for Cultural Survey Limits |