Electric Restructuring

Ratesetting Working Group

(Unbundling/ Pricing/ Rate Design and PBR)

Past Meetings
Rate Unbundling in A.96-12-009 et al and related proceedings
Revenue Cycle Unbundling in A.97-11-004 et al

Past Meetings:

The following materials concerning this working group's past meetings are available:

April 15, 1996, organizational meeting

May 9, 1996

May 29, 1996

June 26 & 27, 1996

For July 25 & 26, 1996, meetings

August 12 & 13, 1996

Sept. 4 & 5, 1996

Sept. 17 & 18, 1996

Oct. 8 & 9, 1996

Oct. 23 & 24, 1996: cancelled, but utility status updates were to be submitted:

Dec. 3 & 4, 1996

Jan. 7 & 8, 1997

Jan. 22 & 23, 1997

Feb. 4 & 5, 1997

Feb. 18 & 19, 1997

Mar. 6 & 7, 1997

March 18, 1997

April 16, 1997

May 2, 1997

Sept. 11, 1997

Rate Unbundling in A.96-12-009 et al and related proceedings

Utilities' July 15, 1996, filings

Utilities' Dec. 6, 1996, ratesetting applications

Feb. 14, 1997, unbundling filings

CPUC Workshop, Feb. 20, 1997

Intervenors' Feb. 28, 1997, unbundling filings

Mar. 12, 1997, rebuttal filings

April 30, 1997, unbundling opening briefs

May 9, 1997, unbundling reply briefs

Comments on Proposed Decision

July 15, 1997, Direct Access Tariff Filings

Rate Unbundling Tariff Filings

Petitions Concerning Adopted Decision 97-08-056

Revenue Cycle Unbundling in A.97-11-004 et al

Ratesetting Working Group Report (8/26/96)

Dec. 20, 1996, unbundling filings Jan. 21, 1997, unbundling filings Feb. 7, 1997, unbundling filings Comments on ALJ Proposed Decision on Unbundling Revenue Cycle Services (3/6/97) Nov. 3, 1997, revenue cycle unbundling filings Revenue Cycle Unbundling Workshops Feb. 6, 1998, supplemental utility filings Feb. 27, 1998, intervenor Phase 1 testimony March 9, 1998, revised utility filings