2.1 Alternative 1: No Project/Action
2.2 Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project
2.3 Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative
Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives
2.5 Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative
Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF
Alternative 7: 66‐kV
Subtransmission Alternative
Other Alternatives Considered but Eliminated
2.9 Cumulative Projects
Figure 2.1-1 Project Location Map
Figure 2.2-1a-y
Detailed Proposed Project Location Strip Maps (see Map & Figure Series Volume)
Figure 2.2-2 Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (S4 MP 0.0 to
S4 MP 5.1)
Figure 2.2-3 Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Northern
Figure 2.2-4 Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Middle
Figure 2.2-5 Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Southern
Figure 2.2-6 Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 0.0 to
S5 MP 1.85)
Figure 2.2-7 Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 1.85 to
S5 MP 5.85)
Figure 2.2-8 Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 5.85 to
S5 MP 15.9)
Figure 2.2-9 Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 15.9 to
S5 MP 17.8)
Figure 2.2-10 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 0.0 to
S6 MP 0.8)
Figure 2.2-11 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 0.8 to
S6 MP 2.2)
Figure 2.2-12 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 2.2 to
S6 MP 2.45)
Figure 2.2-13 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 2.45 to
S6 MP 3.25)
Figure 2.2-14 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 3.25 to
S6 MP 4.8)
Figure 2.2-15 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 4.8 to
S6 MP 6.85)
Figure 2.2-16 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 6.85 to
S6 MP 7.75)
Figure 2.2-17 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 7.75 to
S6 MP 9.5)
Figure 2.2-18 Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 9.5 to
S6 MP 26.9)
Figure 2.2-19 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.0 to
S7 MP 1.2)
Figure 2.2-20 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.2 to
S7 MP 1.7)
Figure 2.2-21 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.7 to
S7 MP 4.3)
Figure 2.2-22 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 4.3 to
S7 MP 5.1)
Figure 2.2-23a Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 5.1 to
S7 MP 8.3)
Figure 2.2-23b Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 8.3 to
S7 MP 10.1)
Figure 2.2-24 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.1 to
S7 MP 10.5)
Figure 2.2-25 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.5 to
S7 MP 10.95)
Figure 2.2-26a Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.95
to S7 MP 11.8)
Figure 2.2-26b Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 11.8 to
S7 MP 13.4)
Figure 2.2-27 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 13.4 to
S7 MP 13.7)
Figure 2.2-28 Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 13.7 to
S7 MP 15.8)
Figure 2.2-29 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 2.2 to
S8A MP 4.2)
Figure 2.2-30 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 4.2 to
S8A MP 4.4)
Figure 2.2-31 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 4.4 to
S8A MP 5.85)
Figure 2.2-32 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 5.85
to S8A MP 8.1)
Figure 2.2-33 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 8.1 to
S8A MP 9.0)
Figure 2.2-34 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 9.0 to
S8A MP 9.5)
Figure 2.2-35 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 9.5 to
S8A MP 11.2)
Figure 2.2-36 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 11.2
to S8A MP 13.3)
Figure 2.2-37 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.3
to S8A MP 13.4)
Figure 2.2-38 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.4
to S8A MP 13.55)
Figure 2.2-39 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.55
to S8A MP 19.2)
Figure 2.2-40 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 19.2
to S8A MP 22.9)
Figure 2.2-41 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 22.9
to S8A MP 26.4)
Figure 2.2-42 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 26.4
to S8A MP 26.8)
Figure 2.2-43 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 26.8
to S8A MP 27.55)
Figure 2.2-44 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 27.55
to S8A MP 28.3)
Figure 2.2-45 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 28.3
to S8A MP 29.2)
Figure 2.2-46 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 0.35
to S8B MP 0.75)
Figure 2.2-47 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 29.2
to S8A MP 34.0)
Figure 2.2-48 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 0.75
to S8B MP 5.05)
Figure 2.2-49 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 5.05
to S8B MP 5.65)
Figure 2.2-50 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.0
to S8A MP 34.15)
Figure 2.2-51 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.15
to S8A MP 34.4)
Figure 2.2-52 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.4
to S8A MP 34.5)
Figure 2.2-53 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.5
to S8A MP 35.0)
Figure 2.2-54 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 35.0
to S8A MP 35.2)
Figure 2.2-55 Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 6.0 to
S8B MP 6.8)
Figure 2.2-56 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 0.0
to S11 MP 0.9)
Figure 2.2-57 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 0.9
to S11 MP 2.5)
Figure 2.2-58 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 2.5
to S11 MP 4.0)
Figure 2.2-59 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 4.0
to S11 MP 18.7)
Figure 2.2-60 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 18.7
to S11 MP 18.85)
Figure 2.2-61 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 18.85
to S11 MP 26.2)
Figure 2.2-62 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 26.2
to S11 MP 35.8)
Figure 2.2-63 Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 35.8
to S11 MP 36.2)
Figure 2.2-64 Typical 220-kV Single-Circuit Lattice
Steel Tower
Figure 2.2-65 Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit Lattice
Steel Tower
Figure 2.2-66 Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit Tubular
Steel Pole
Figure 2.2-67 Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Tubular
Steel Pole
Figure 2.2-68 Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Lattice
Steel Tower
Figure 2.2-69 Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit Lattice
Steel Tower
Figure 2.2-70 Typical 66-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel
Figure 2.2-71 Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit 3-Pole Steel
Figure 2.2-72 Typical 66-kV Light Weight Steel Pole
Figure 2.2-73 Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit Tubular
Steel Pole
Figure 2.2-74 Typical 220-kV Single-Circuit Tubular
Steel Pole
Figure 2.2-75 Proposed New Whirlwind Substation
Figure 2.2-76 Proposed Upgrades to Antelope Substation
Figure 2.2-77 Proposed Upgrades to Vincent Substation
Figure 2.2-78 Typical Road Cross-Section (Full Cut with
Figure 2.2-79 Grouted Rock Wet Crossing (Typical
Figure 2.2-80 Overside Drains-Water Bars
Figure 2.2-81 Pipe Culvert Installation
Figure 2.2-82 Hilfiker Retaining Wall (Typical Section)
Figure 2.2-83 Alternative 2 Helicopter Towers &
Staging Areas within the ANF
Figure 2.2-84 Helicopter Use for Lattice Steel Tower
Figure 2.2-85 Typical Lattice Steel Tower Assembly Area
Figure 2.2-86 Typical Freeway Net System
Figure 2.2-87 Typical Guard Structure Railroad Crossing
(H-Frame Configuration with Net)
Figure 2.2-88 Typical Guard Structure Low Voltage or
Street Crossing
Figure 2.3-1 West Lancaster Alternative
Figure 2.4-1 Chino Hills Route A Alternative
Figure 2.4-2 Chino Hills Route B Alternative
Figure 2.4-3 Chino Hills Route C Alternative
Figure 2.4-4 Chino Hills Route D Alternative
Figure 2.5-1 Partial Underground Alternative Segment 8A
– Chino Hills
Figure 2.5-2 Typical GIL Enclosure Section
Figure 2.5-3 Conceptual Plan View of a 500-kV GIL
Transition Station
Figure 2.5-4 GIL Transition Station – Side Elevation
Figure 2.5-5 Partial Underground – Side Elevation Along
Segment 8A
Figure 2.6-1 Candidate Helicopter Staging Areas in ANF
Alternative 6
Figure 2.7-1 Alternative 7: Duck Farm 66-kV Underground
Figure 2.7-2 Alternative 7: Whittier Narrows 66-kV
Underground & Overhead Re-Routes
2.9-1a TRTP Cumulative Projects
by Jurisdiction
2.9-1b TRTP Cumulative Projects
by Jurisdiction
2.9-1c TRTP Cumulative Projects by Jurisdiction
2.9-1d TRTP Cumulative Projects
by Jurisdiction
2.9-2 TRTP Cumulative Projects
on NFS Lands