




Southern California Edison's

Tehachapi Renewable

Transmission Project



Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement


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Draft EIR/EIS Cover

Cover Sheet

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1.   Introduction

1.1  Overview of Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives

1.2  Purpose and Need

1.3  Agency Use of this Document

1.4  Overview of the Environmental Review Process

1.5  Reader’s Guide to this Document

2.   Description of Alternatives, including the Proposed Project (17 MB)


2.1  Alternative 1: No Project/Action

2.2  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project

2.3  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative

2.4  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

2.5  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative

2.6  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative

2.7  Alternative 7: 66kV Subtransmission Alternative

2.8  Other Alternatives Considered but Eliminated

2.9  Cumulative Projects

Figure 2.1-1  Project Location Map

Figure 2.2-1a-y  Detailed Proposed Project Location Strip Maps   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

Figure 2.2-2  Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (S4 MP 0.0 to S4 MP 5.1)

Figure 2.2-3  Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Northern Portion)

Figure 2.2-4  Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Middle Portion)

Figure 2.2-5  Segment 4 ROW Cross-Section (Southern Portion)

Figure 2.2-6  Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 0.0 to S5 MP 1.85)               

Figure 2.2-7  Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 1.85 to S5 MP 5.85)             

Figure 2.2-8  Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 5.85 to S5 MP 15.9)             

Figure 2.2-9  Segment 5 ROW Cross-Section (S5 MP 15.9 to S5 MP 17.8)

Figure 2.2-10  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 0.0 to S6 MP 0.8)

Figure 2.2-11  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 0.8 to S6 MP 2.2)

Figure 2.2-12  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 2.2 to S6 MP 2.45)

Figure 2.2-13  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 2.45 to S6 MP 3.25)           

Figure 2.2-14  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 3.25 to S6 MP 4.8)             

Figure 2.2-15  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 4.8 to S6 MP 6.85)             

Figure 2.2-16  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 6.85 to S6 MP 7.75)           

Figure 2.2-17  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 7.75 to S6 MP 9.5)

Figure 2.2-18  Segment 6 ROW Cross-Section (S6 MP 9.5 to S6 MP 26.9)             

Figure 2.2-19  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.0 to S7 MP 1.2)               

Figure 2.2-20  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.2 to S7 MP 1.7)

Figure 2.2-21  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 1.7 to S7 MP 4.3)               

Figure 2.2-22  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 4.3 to S7 MP 5.1)               

Figure 2.2-23a  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 5.1 to S7 MP 8.3)             

Figure 2.2-23b  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 8.3 to S7 MP 10.1)           

Figure 2.2-24  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.1 to S7 MP 10.5)           

Figure 2.2-25  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.5 to S7 MP 10.95)         

Figure 2.2-26a  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 10.95 to S7 MP 11.8)       

Figure 2.2-26b  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 11.8 to S7 MP 13.4)         

Figure 2.2-27  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 13.4 to S7 MP 13.7)           

Figure 2.2-28  Segment 7 ROW Cross-Section (S7 MP 13.7 to S7 MP 15.8)           

Figure 2.2-29  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 2.2 to S8A MP 4.2)          

Figure 2.2-30  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 4.2 to S8A MP 4.4)          

Figure 2.2-31  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 4.4 to S8A MP 5.85)        

Figure 2.2-32  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 5.85 to S8A MP 8.1)        

Figure 2.2-33  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 8.1 to S8A MP 9.0)          

Figure 2.2-34  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 9.0 to S8A MP 9.5)          

Figure 2.2-35  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 9.5 to S8A MP 11.2)        

Figure 2.2-36  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 11.2 to S8A MP 13.3)      

Figure 2.2-37  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.3 to S8A MP 13.4)      

Figure 2.2-38  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.4 to S8A MP 13.55)    

Figure 2.2-39  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 13.55 to S8A MP 19.2)    

Figure 2.2-40  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 19.2 to S8A MP 22.9)      

Figure 2.2-41  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 22.9 to S8A MP 26.4)      

Figure 2.2-42  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 26.4 to S8A MP 26.8)      

Figure 2.2-43  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 26.8 to S8A MP 27.55)    

Figure 2.2-44  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 27.55 to S8A MP 28.3)

Figure 2.2-45  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 28.3 to S8A MP 29.2)      

Figure 2.2-46  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 0.35 to S8B MP 0.75)      

Figure 2.2-47  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 29.2 to S8A MP 34.0)      

Figure 2.2-48  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 0.75 to S8B MP 5.05)      

Figure 2.2-49  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 5.05 to S8B MP 5.65)      

Figure 2.2-50  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.0 to S8A MP 34.15)    

Figure 2.2-51  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.15 to S8A MP 34.4)    

Figure 2.2-52  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.4 to S8A MP 34.5)      

Figure 2.2-53  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 34.5 to S8A MP 35.0)      

Figure 2.2-54  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8A MP 35.0 to S8A MP 35.2)

Figure 2.2-55  Segment 8 ROW Cross-Section (S8B MP 6.0 to S8B MP 6.8)          

Figure 2.2-56  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 0.0 to S11 MP 0.9)         

Figure 2.2-57  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 0.9 to S11 MP 2.5)         

Figure 2.2-58  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 2.5 to S11 MP 4.0)         

Figure 2.2-59  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 4.0 to S11 MP 18.7)       

Figure 2.2-60  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 18.7 to S11 MP 18.85)   

Figure 2.2-61  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 18.85 to S11 MP 26.2)   

Figure 2.2-62  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 26.2 to S11 MP 35.8)     

Figure 2.2-63  Segment 11 ROW Cross-Section (S11 MP 35.8 to S11 MP 36.2)     

Figure 2.2-64  Typical 220-kV Single-Circuit Lattice Steel Tower              

Figure 2.2-65  Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit Lattice Steel Tower              

Figure 2.2-66  Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole               

Figure 2.2-67  Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole              

Figure 2.2-68   Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Lattice Steel Tower

Figure 2.2-69   Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit Lattice Steel Tower            

Figure 2.2-70   Typical 66-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole               

Figure 2.2-71  Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit 3-Pole Steel Dead-End       

Figure 2.2-72   Typical 66-kV Light Weight Steel Pole             

Figure 2.2-73  Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole              

Figure 2.2-74  Typical 220-kV Single-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole               

Figure 2.2-75  Proposed New Whirlwind Substation

Figure 2.2-76  Proposed Upgrades to Antelope Substation     

Figure 2.2-77  Proposed Upgrades to Vincent Substation       

Figure 2.2-78  Typical Road Cross-Section (Full Cut with Bench)             

Figure 2.2-79  Grouted Rock Wet Crossing (Typical Installation)              

Figure 2.2-80  Overside Drains-Water Bars              

Figure 2.2-81  Pipe Culvert Installation    

Figure 2.2-82  Hilfiker Retaining Wall (Typical Section)             

Figure 2.2-83  Alternative 2 Helicopter Towers & Staging Areas within the ANF       

Figure 2.2-84  Helicopter Use for Lattice Steel Tower Erection 

Figure 2.2-85  Typical Lattice Steel Tower Assembly Area       

Figure 2.2-86  Typical Freeway Net System             

Figure 2.2-87  Typical Guard Structure Railroad Crossing (H-Frame Configuration with Net)     

Figure 2.2-88  Typical Guard Structure Low Voltage or Street Crossing   

Figure 2.3-1  West Lancaster Alternative 

Figure 2.4-1  Chino Hills Route A Alternative           

Figure 2.4-2  Chino Hills Route B Alternative           

Figure 2.4-3  Chino Hills Route C Alternative           

Figure 2.4-4  Chino Hills Route D Alternative           

Figure 2.5-1  Partial Underground Alternative Segment 8A – Chino Hills  

Figure 2.5-2  Typical GIL Enclosure Section            

Figure 2.5-3  Conceptual Plan View of a 500-kV GIL Transition Station   

Figure 2.5-4  GIL Transition Station – Side Elevation              

Figure 2.5-5  Partial Underground – Side Elevation Along Segment 8A   

Figure 2.6-1  Candidate Helicopter Staging Areas in ANF Alternative 6   

Figure 2.7-1  Alternative 7: Duck Farm 66-kV Underground     

Figure 2.7-2  Alternative 7: Whittier Narrows 66-kV Underground & Overhead Re-Routes        

Figure 2.9-1a  TRTP Cumulative Projects by Jurisdiction

Figure 2.9-1b  TRTP Cumulative Projects by Jurisdiction

Figure 2.9-1c TRTP Cumulative Projects by Jurisdiction

Figure 2.9-1d  TRTP Cumulative Projects by Jurisdiction

Figure 2.9-2  TRTP Cumulative Projects on NFS Lands

3.  Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences

3.1  Introduction to Environmental Analysis

3.2  Agricultural Resources


3.2.1  Introduction

3.2.2  Affected Environment

3.2.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.2.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.2.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.2.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.2.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.2.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.2.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.2.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.2.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.2.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.2-1  Kern County Agricultural Lands Traversed by Alternative 2

Figure 3.2-2a  Northern Los Angeles County Agricultural Lands Traversed by Alternative 2

Figure 3.2-2b  Northern Los Angeles County Agricultural Lands Traversed by Alternative 2

Figure 3.2-3  San Bernardino County Agricultural Lands Traversed by Alternative 2

Figure 3.2-4  San Bernardino County Agricultural Lands Traversed by Alternative 4

3.3  Air Quality


3.3.1  Introduction   

3.3.2  Affected Environment    

3.3.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards

3.3.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.3.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.3.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project

3.3.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.3.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.3.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.3.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.3.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.3.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.3-1  Air Quality Jurisdictions

3.4  Biological Resources


3.4.1  Introduction   

3.4.2  Affected Environment

3.4.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.4.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.4.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.4.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.4.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.4.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.4.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.4.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.4.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.4.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.4-1  Northern Region Project Location       

Figure 3.4-2  Central Region Project Location Map

Figure 3.4-3  Southern Project Location Map          

Figure 3.4-4  Vegetation Communities   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

Figure 3.4-5  Special-Status Species Locations   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

Figure 3.4-6  RCA Crossing Points on Angeles National Forest (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

3.5  Cultural Resources


3.5.1  Introduction   

3.5.2  Affected Environment    

3.5.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.5.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.5.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.5.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.5.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.5.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.5.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.5.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.5.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.5.12  Impact Significance Summary

Draft EIR/EIS Cover – Volume 2

3.6  Environmental Contamination and Hazards


3.6.1  Introduction   

3.6.2  Affected Environment    

3.6.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.6.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.6.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.6.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.6.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.6.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.6.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.6.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.6.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.6.12  Impact Significance Summary

3.7  Geology, Soils, and Paleontology


3.7.1  Introduction   

3.7.2  Affected Environment    

3.7.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.7.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.7.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.7.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.7.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.7.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.7.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.7.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.7.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.7.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.7-1  Regional Active Faults and Historic Earthquakes

Figure 3.7-2  Regional Geologic Map A

Figure 3.7-3  Segment 5 Active Fault Crossing

Figure 3.7-4  Regional Geologic Map B

Figure 3.7-5  Segment 6 Active Fault Crossings

Figure 3.7-6  Segment 7 Active Fault Crossings

Figure 3.7-7a  Segment 11 Active Fault Crossings

Figure 3.7-7b  Segment 11 Active Fault Crossings

Figure 3.7-8  Regional Geologic Map C

Figure 3.7-9  Segment 8A Active Fault Crossing

3.8  Hydrology and Water Quality (5 MB)


3.8.1  Introduction   

3.8.2  Affected Environment    

3.8.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.8.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.8.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.8.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.8.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.8.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.8.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.8.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.8.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.8.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.8-1  Hydrologic Boundaries within the TRTP Area      

Figure 3.8-2  100-Year Floodplains within the Northern Region               

Figure 3.8-3  Groundwater Basin Boundaries within the TRTP Area        

Figure 3.8-4  100-Year Floodplains within the Central Region  

Figure 3.8-5  100-Year Floodplains within the Southern Region

3.9 Land Use


3.9.1  Introduction   

3.9.2  Affected Environment    

3.9.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards               

3.9.4  Impact Analysis Approach             

3.9.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action     

3.9.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project           

3.9.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative      

3.9.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives  

3.9.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative               

3.9.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative        

3.9.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative         

3.9.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.9-1  Land Use Study Area         

Figure 3.9-2  ANF Land Use Zones, Places, and Roadless Areas           

Figure 3.9-3a-I Existing Land Uses   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

Figure 3.9-4a-I  General Plan Land Use Designations   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

Figure 3.9-5  West Lancaster Alternative 3 and Chino Hills Alternatives 4

3.10  Noise


3.10.1  Introduction 

3.10.2  Affected Environment  

3.10.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.10.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.10.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.10.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.10.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.10.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.10.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.10.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.10.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.10.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.10-1  Typical Range of Common Sounds Heard in the Environment          

Figure 3.10-2  Outdoor Day/Night Sound Levels in Different Areas

3.11  Public Services and Utilities


3.11.1  Introduction 

3.11.2  Affected Environment  

3.11.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.11.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.11.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.11.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.11.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.11.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.11.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.11.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.11.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.11.12  Impact Significance Summary

3.12  Socioeconomics


3.12.1  Introduction 

3.12.2  Affected Environment  

3.12.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.12.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.12.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.12.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.12.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.12.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.12.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.12.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.12.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.12.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.12-1  North Region Population and Housing Trends, 2000-2030 (imbedded)

Figure 3.12-2  Central Region Population and Housing Trends, 2000-2030 (imbedded)          

Figure 3.12-3  South Region Population and Housing Trends, 2000-2030 (imbedded)

3.13  Traffic and Transportation


3.13.1  Introduction 

3.13.2  Affected Environment  

3.13.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.13.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.13.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.13.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.13.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.13.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.13.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.13.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.13.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.13.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.13-1  TRTP Site Location Map

3.14  Visual Resources


3.14.1  Introduction 

3.14.2  Affected Environment  

3.14.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.14.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.14.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.14.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.14.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.14.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.14.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.14.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.14.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.14.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.14-all  Visual Simulations   (see Map & Figure Series Volume)

3.15  Wilderness and Recreation


3.15.1  Introduction 

3.15.2  Affected Environment  

3.15.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.15.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.15.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.15.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.15.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.15.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.15.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.15.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.15.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.15.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.15-1  Wilderness and Recreation Study Area            

Figure 3.15-2  Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Crossings in the North and Central Regions 

Figure 3.15-3  Recreation Opportunity Spectrum Objectives for NFS Lands in the Central Region           

Figure 3.15-4  Recreational Resources in the South Region

3.16  Wildfire Prevention and Suppression


3.16.1  Introduction 

3.16.2  Affected Environment  

3.16.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.16.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.16.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.16.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.16.7  Alternative 3: West Lancaster Alternative    

3.16.8  Alternative 4: Chino Hills Route Alternatives

3.16.9  Alternative 5: Partial Underground Alternative             

3.16.10  Alternative 6: Maximum Helicopter Construction in the ANF Alternative      

3.16.11  Alternative 7: 66-kV Subtransmission Alternative       

3.16.12  Impact Significance Summary

Figure 3.16-1  Tehachapi Fireshed

Figure 3.16-2  Tehachapi Fireshed Surface Fuels

Figure 3.16-3  Tehachapi Fireshed: Cumulative Acres Burned per Decade, 1957-2006 (imbedded)

3.17  Electrical Interference and Hazards


3.17.1  Introduction 

3.17.2  Affected Environment  

3.17.3  Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Standards             

3.17.4  Impact Analysis Approach           

3.17.5  Alternative 1: No Project/Action   

3.17.6  Alternative 2: SCE’s Proposed Project         

3.17.7  Alternatives 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7       

3.17.8  Impact Significance Summary

Draft EIR/EIS Cover – Volume 3

4.  Comparison of Alternatives


4.1  Summary of Alternatives   

4.2  Comparison of Alternatives               

4.3  Conclusion

5.  Other Required NEPA and CEQA Considerations


5.1  Long-Term Implications    

5.2  Compliance with Applicable Federal Environmental Regulations and Policies   

5.3  Other Considerations

6.  Development of the Tehachapi Wind Resource Area (4 MB)

6.1  Introduction

6.2  Wind Development in the TWRA

6.3  Introduction to Environmental Analysis

6.4  Aesthetics        

6.5  Agriculture        

6.6  Air Quality        

6.7  Biological Resources        

6.8  Cultural and Paleontological Resources           

6.9  Geology and Soils            

6.10  Hazards and Hazardous Materials  

6.11  Hydrology and Water Quality          

6.12  Land Use and Planning 

6.13  Mineral Resources          

6.14  Noise             

6.15  Population and Housing 

6.16  Public Services               

6.17  Public Utilities 

6.18  Traffic and Transportation              

6.19  Wilderness and Recreation            

6.20  Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the TWRA Study Area

Figure 6.2-1  Regional Map     

Figure 6.2-2  TWRA Study Area              

Figure 6.5-1  TWRA Study Area Agriculture             

Figure 6.6-1  Normalized Maximum Short-term Historical Air Pollutant Concentrations in Mojave (imbedded)            

Figure 6.7-1  TWRA Study Area Ecological Regions

Figure 6.7-2  TWRA Study Area Critical Habitat       

Figure 6.11-1  TWRA Watershed Areas and Flood Hazard Zones           

Figure 6.11-2  TWRA Surface Water       

Figure 6.11-3  TWRA Groundwater Basins              

Figure 6.13-1  TWRA Study Area Permitted and Historic Mines               

Figure 6.13-2  TWRA Study Area Mineral and Petroleum General Plan Land Use Designation

Figure 6.19-1  TWRA Study Area Recreational Resources

7.  Consultation and Coordination

7.1  Public Participation and Notification  

7.2  Organizations and Persons Consulted             

7.3  Preparers and Contributors

7.4  Document Distribution List

8.  References

9.  Glossary and Acronyms

9.1  Glossary of Terms            

9.2  Acronyms and Units         

9.3  Summary of Proposed Project Elements

10.  Index

Draft EIR/EIS Cover – Volume 4: Appendices


A.  Alternatives Screening Report


Table of Contents

1.  Introduction

1.1  Purpose of Report            

1.2  Background     

1.3  Summary of SCE’s Proposed Project

2.  Overview of Alternatives Evaluation Process

2.1  Alternatives Considered   

2.2  Alternatives Screening Methodology

2.3  CEQA and NEPA Requirements for Alternatives

3.  Alternative Descriptions and Determinations (6 MB)

3.1  Introduction

3.2  Design Variations to the Proposed Project/Action

3.3  Alternate Corridors

3.4  System Alternatives

Figure 3.2-1  Whirlwind Substation Alternative Sites A & B

Figure 3.2-2  Upgrade Transmission through the ANF in Segment 6 Only Alternative

Figure 3.2-3  Upgrade Transmission through the ANF in Segment 11 Only Alternative

Figure 3.2-4  Reduced Upgrades in Segment 6 Alternative

Figure 3.2-5  Reduced Number of 220-kV T/Ls in the ANF Alternative

Figure 3.2-6  Minimize 500-kV Upgrades Alternative

Figure 3.2-7  Segment 6 Double-Circuit Structures Alternative

Figure 3.2-8  HVDC Interconnection Schematic

Figure 3.2-9  Typical ±500kV HVDC Converter Station Plan View

Figure 3.2-10  Typical HVDC Converter Station Elevation View

Figure 3.2-11  GIL Transition Station – Side Elevation

Figure 3.2-12  GIL Transition Station – Front Elevation

Figure 3.2-13  GIL Transition Station – Plan View

Figure 3.2-14  Underground Transmission System Components

Figure 3.2-15  GIL Tunnel Cross-Section

Figure 3.2-16  Underground Construction Cut/Cover Trenching Plan View

Figure 3.2-17  Typical Jacking Operation

Figure 3.2-18  Typical Tunneling Operation

Figure 3.2-19  Partial Underground Alternative Segment 6 – Near Highway 2 (11 MB)

Figure 3.2-20  Partial Underground Alternative Segment 8A – Chino Hills

Figure 3.3-1  Segment 10A and 10B Route Alternatives

Figure 3.3-2  Windhub Substation to Cottonwind Substation to Whirlwind Substation Alternative

Figure 3.3-3  Whirlwind Substation to Antelope Substation Alternative

Figure 3.3-4  Antelope Substation to Vincent Substation Alternative

Figure 3.3-5  Use LADWP Transmission Corridor Through the ANF Alternative

Figure 3.3-6  New SCE Corridor Across the ANF Alternative

Figure 3.3-7  New Corridor Along Highway 14 Alternative

Figure 3.3-8  New Corridor Through Cajon Pass Alternative

Figure 3.3-9  West Lancaster Alternative (4 MB)

Figure 3.3-10  Chino Hills Route A Alternative

Figure 3.3-11  Chino Hills Route B Alternative

Figure 3.3-12  Chino Hills Route C Alternative

Figure 3.3-13  Chino Hills Route D Alternative

Figure 3.3-14  New Corridor Through the San Gabriel Valley

Figure 3.4-1  Transmission Lines to Midway Substation Alternative

4.  Summary of Alternative Screening Results

5.  References

B.  Notices and Angeles National Forest Contact List

C.  Air Pollutant Emissions Calculations

D.  Project Road Crossings

E.  Summary of the PdV Wind Energy Project EIR

F.  Management Indicator Species Report




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